Vegan Gift Baskets Delivered to Vermont
No meat, no dairy, no eggs, no animal products or by-products. Let’s face it, finding vegan options is hard! Vermont Baskets sees you and has a bountiful offering of vegan gift basket options!

Our Vegan Gift Ideas for Mom & Dad
Does mom lead a vegan lifestyle? Offer her the Monroe Country Fruit Basket! This gift basket features different apples, pears, and more. Personalize your basket to mom’s tastes with selections of flowers, wine and more. All our gift baskets come with a lovely bow on top and an optional note card if you’d like to personalize your gift further and are available for delivery in Vermont for your convenience.
Is dad against eating animals and animal by-products? Show him you care with The Amazon Rainforest Gift Set. This vegan gift basket features pineapple, mango and more! Feel free to upgrade your basket with goodies dad loves like beer, baked goods and more. All our gift baskets come with a lovely bow on top and an optional note card if you’d like to personalize your gift further and are available for delivery in Vermont for your convenience.

Our Vegan Gift Ideas for Friends
Show your friends that you care about them by taking the time to pay attention to their dietary restrictions. For your vegan buddies, offer them the Monroe Country Fruit Basket. This vegan gift basket features bartlett pears, oranges and more. Personalize your basket to your friends’ tastes with champagne, beer and more. All our gift baskets come with a lovely bow on top and an optional note card if you’d like to personalize your gift further and are available for delivery in Vermont for your convenience.
Kids love chocolate, but there aren’t many vegan chocolate options. What do you do? We offer the Vegan Chocolate Cake that comes in various sizes! Completely void of non-vegan items, this cake is still rich and delicious! This cake serves as a great addition to any gift basket or as a jumping off point to create your own custom vegan gift basket. All our gift baskets come with a lovely bow on top and an optional note card if you’d like to personalize your gift further and are available for delivery in Vermont for your convenience.

Our Vegan Gift Ideas for Bosses & Co-Workers
Put your best foot forward and accommodate your boss who eats vegan. We recommend The Amazon Rainforest Gift Set. This vegan gift basket includes mango, kiwi and more. Personalize your basket to boss’ tastes with selections of spirits, liquor and more. All our gift baskets come with a lovely bow on top and an optional note card if you’d like to personalize your gift further and are available for delivery in Vermont for your convenience.
Do your colleagues eat vegan? Treat them to something sweet with the Vegan Chocolate Cake. This cake is, yes, completely vegan and is sure to delight all who taste it. Great as an addition to an existing basket, or as a jumping off point to start your own custom vegan gift basket, we highly recommend this cake. All our gift baskets come with a lovely bow on top and an optional note card if you’d like to personalize your gift further and are available for delivery in Vermont for your convenience.
Top 1 Positions - VEGAN Delivery Online
Name | Price from |
The Amazon Rainforest Gift Set | $42.00 |